Are Chinese Herbs for Migraines Safe? Well…

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Migraine patients in the UK are warned not to use a certain Chinese herb that has been declared unsafe, possibly even fatal. While complementary medicine is an effective tool for preventing migraines, one cannot assume that all “natural ingredients” are necessarily good…or wise to use.

Are Chinese Herbs for Migraines Safe? Well…

Please note: All medications, including natural herbs and supplements for migraines should be used only in conjunction with your doctor’s approval and supervision. Never begin a new migraine headache treatment without first consulting a physician.


A popular Chinese herbal treatment for migraines, marketed as Zheng Tian Wan may be harmful to your health, even poisonous, say experts. The medication contains aconite, or “monkshood,” an herb linked to nervous system disorders and heart disease. In ancient Greek times, aconite was referred to as “Queen of Poisons” for its toxic effect on the cardiovascular system.

Patients taking the Chinese herb for migraines were hospitalized for kidney problems, severe vertigo, and painful numbness in the extremities, in addition to heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest pains.

Why use Natural Migraine Treatments?


Another Chinese herb, butterbur, has been the focus of many scientific experiments in migraine prevention.

Butterbur is an ancient shrubbery that has been used safely for generations to support healthy functions vital to migraine management. Hypertension, sinus congestion, and neurological disorders are all triggers of migraine headaches. Overwhelmingly, migraine patients who take butterbur pills daily find amazing results.

Still, it’s important to use caution with butterbur supplements, as many manufacturers use unsafe methods in preparing butterbur extracts for production. Always look for butterbur pills that don’t contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), a potentially toxic ingredient that must be removed from the butterbur plant during processing.

Chinese supplements for migraines containing butterbur should also present a “PA-free” logo on the packaging, as an assurance of safety.

Your turn!

What natural medications, including Chinese herbs, do you currently use for migraines?

After reading this, would you consider trying safe alternative treatments for migraines containing butterbur, magnesium, CoQ10, and riboflavin?

Do you have any questions or suggestions?  Please leave your comments below.

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Image courtesy of Smabs Sputzer/flickr