
Customer Reviews

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  • Recommended by leading Neurologists and Headache Clinics across the United States
  • PA-Free Butterbur tested for safety by independent 3rd party laboratory
  • Nutritional Support for Migraine sufferers
  • Clinically Studied Ingredients
  • Featured on CBS News
Migravent Bottle
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Vita Sciences
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5 5
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Five Stars, Awesome! Helps with my severe migraines!


Wonderful Product that realy works!

5 5
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I love this stuff and it’s worth every penny. It has cut my migraines down from 1 a week to 1 every 3 months. It is a wonderful product.


This product works well!

5 5
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I recommend it for all migraine sufferers. It’s all natural and affordable. No prescription needed at all.



5 5
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It’s a lifesaver., I developed migraines rather suddenly in my mid-twenties, and they gradually increased in frequency and intensity until I was having about four episodes a week. They were truly debilitating, and prescription medication was losing effectiveness and giving me rebound headaches. I started taking Migravent over a year ago after researching natural remedies, and the difference is tremendous. I do still get migraines, but they have been reduced to just one every couple of months. When I get them, they are less intense and sumatriptan kills them in about an hour. It did take three months to notice any benefits, and it took about six months to start feeling like my old, energized self again. It’s important to give it the six months for full effectiveness! After six months, I felt okay to reduce my dosage to just one pill a day.
Also, a bit of advice if you consume a lot of caffeine — it might be beneficial to cut it out. Some say it helps get rid of migraines, but I found that it was aggravating mine. I don’t consume it anymore, and I feel tons better.


Excellent Product

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Great price…………Great product! This product is greatly reducing my migraines. It also reduces the frequency of my headaches. Thank you!


Very pleased with this product so far!

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I use this product as a migraine preventative. So far, I’ve been very pleased. This product combines one vitamin (B2), one mineral (magnesium), and two other supplements (butterbur and coenzyme Q10) that all help prevent migraines so as such it is very convenient and easy to take. Product came right on time and in perfect condition. I would highly recommend Migravent to anyone who uses these supplements regularly


I don't take Migraines lightly.

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I have been taking so many different medications that caused worse side effects rather than helping my migraines. My Dr. suggested these and I was skeptical but thought i should give it a try. After a couple of months I really did notice the difference and it has helped tremendously…..happy days again


Been using it for 3 months

4 5
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I have been on them for 3 months and there is a noticeable difference in the migraine headaches. Prior to taking these pills, I used to get headaches two to three times a week lasting for a couple of days. Yes, I am on all the prophylactic medication regiment. Now, in the past month I have only had one migraine and it only lasted one day. This product has had a huge impact in my life. I highly recommend it. I have been able to decrease the amount of prophylactic medication I have been taking as a result.


Suffering from migraines from the '90s

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I have been suffering from debilitating migraines since the mid 1990’s. I was using mainly high doses of Motrin or Excedrin Migraine, coupled with biofeedback or meditation, as I am resistant to many prescription medications. Barometric pressure lows are a severe headache trigger, so when Hurricane Katrina rolled over our area, I was flattened with migraine pain for a week; finally, my migraine attack subsided into a silent migraine with symptoms like loss of fine motor control and speech issues. “I went to my GP, and learned that these particular migraines were a neurological ‘mini seizure’ of sorts with the potential of doing brain damage…and even killing me, if left untreated. “Suffice it to say, I followed the doctor’s orders for the next three years without fail, but my migraines never really improved. After a visit with the neurologist taught me that his staff was not relaying information, and that I was not getting the level of care I should have been, I decided to get a second opinion. “I then met Dr. Tingler, a headache specialist. He immediately pulled me off the migraine medications I was on and started me on new migraine treatments with fewer side effects. His goal was to ‘stabilize’ me first, and later figure out the ‘why it happens’ part. We went through several migraine meds and, in our discussions, “He sent me to your website and I ordered Migravent. It took a while to find the dose for me- two Migravent capsules before I go to sleep, and one when I wake up. But it worked! “Unfortunately, a few months later, the Veterans’ hospital won a three-year courtship and got Dr. Tingler to leave and tend our soldiers. I can’t feel bad, but I do miss him. However, he sent me on to my new Doctor- Dr. Sherman. “I am pleased to say that I have been on your product (Migravent) for nearly three years. “I can safely state that it’s because of Migravent that I am able to tolerate the weather, avoid missing work, and enjoy life. I am also not nearly as afraid , because my rescue meds perform a lot stronger than ever before. “Thanks for your great product! I can live my life…fly…stop being glued to the weather channel…and I don’t have to worry about losing my job , or god forbid the other options I don’t even want to remember!



5 5
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Well Worth the Price, These really do help with my migraines. Even my neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic recommends Migravents ingredients and that is good enough for me.


From a Neurologist

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I am an adult neurologist and treat hundreds of migraine patient’s I have been impressed with the ability of this simple and very safe combination of natural products to prevent migraines Both my son and I take it, and it has clearly lessened the frequency of both migraines I think it important to point out that you have to give this (and all migraine preventatives) time to show their benefit. So unless it causes side effects, give it 4-6 weeks to see if it is working.



5 5
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great product, As long as I take as directed, (twice a day) it really helps eliminate my migraines. I’m glad I took a chance and tried it.


Debilitating migraines sufferer

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I have been suffering from debilitating migraines several times a week for over 7 years now. Even more recently I have been getting headaches every single day. My doctor has tried everything to control them but nothing has worked. I began looking for different answers and that’s when my mom came across Migravent. I have been taking it for almost three months and feel very good. I had almost given up hope and started to accept my way of life until I found Migravent. Thank you for giving me my life back, I no longer wake up in fear of what i will feel like that day. It has completely changed my life and I couldn’t be more thankful!


Great product

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Works great, my wife has migraine headaches and taking Migravent has helped her and seems to improve her overall brain health thanks


Relief finally!

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Some relief finally!, This product was suggested by my MD. I have consistantly been taking it everyday for over 3 months now and I can honestly say that I do see a difference in the intesity and frequency of my headaches.


Highly recommend it

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Prior to taking Migravent, I was suffering from migraines for many years. I recommend it for anyone suffering from migraines. I have not had any side efects from taking Migravent.


Amazing Product,

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have been suffering from migraines since I was a child. Since relocating to the Phoenix area several years ago, I have been struggling with constant migraines. This was recently recommended by my new neurologist. I have not had a migraine since I began taking Migravent 2 weeks ago. I had a headache the day I started and it went away! I have recommended this product to other migraine suffers I know.


Great product it really does help

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Been suffering from migraines for years. This has helped, I suggest that if you are wondering give it a try.


Using it for 6 months!!!

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I have been using Migravent for the past several months. There are no other prescription medications that I can safely take !!!! Thank you Migravent


A lifelong Migraine sufferer

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I have suffered from Headaches/Migraines most of life. As I got older the frequency increased to 4-5 a week. I recently went to a new Neurologist and as a parting recommendation (I too have been on every prophylactic as well as Imitrex and Zomig. I need both since the Medical plan would not approve enough pills.) suggested trying Migravent. I wanted to wait awhile to tell you of my progress since I was concerned it may be psychosomatic. I have used only 1/2 bottle and my Migraines have been reduced to 1 a week. This is truly miraculous.
Thank you,


Migrane preventer

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I have been on Migravent close to a year. I strongly recommend this an adjunct therapy for the prevention of migraines. I have been able to significantly decrease my prophylactic prescription medication and discontinued one of them all together.


Great vitamins

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Wish I had found these vitamins sooner, I have been a life-long migraine sufferer and I wish I had learned about these vitamins sooner. These vitamins were recommended to me by a migraine specialist. They have made a significant difference. My headaches are not gone, but they have a shorter duration and the pain is far less severe. They previously lasted 24 hours and I had to stay in bed I was in so much pain. Now the headaches last 8 hours and the pain is manageable. I should mention they recommend taking 2 a day and I am only taking 1 a day. Perhaps better results if I was willing to gobble down 2 of these giant gel pills a day.


Really helps!

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Really helps control the onset of frequent migraines, Prevention is much easy than dealing with a migraine! My doctor recommended this product over a prescription. Glad he did.


No more migraines!

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A friend told me she bought these from her physician for way more than what I paid! Plus, I haven’t had a migraine since I started taking these! Finally some relief!!!! …and at a great deal!


Child with Headaches/migraines

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A neurologist at Children’s Hospital in Oakland CA told us to try this product for a young teen that has been experiencing migraines since she was seven years old! She had been on several prescriptions drugs that caused loss of appetite and fuzzy thinking that would help her some, but she would always stop these medications because she didn’t feel “right” on them. Instead she had relied on pain killers for years. The doctor said lets try this just in case it might help her. Wow! As long as she takes this formula she has no headaches at all. If I had a child or young adult with migraines or chronic headaches I would give this a try. Maybe with a child you may want to check with their doctor, but in our case it was the neurologist that suggested we try it.



5 5
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It’s just amazing. I used to get a migraine every day and now I only get them two or three times a month. It really works and I don’t have any side effects either.


Recommended by my doctor

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Product arrived timely and intact. I have had good success using this product in addition to the beta blocker I was already taking. Much easier take than the multiple-vitamin regime I was on.


Sharing the good news

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I’m 57 years old and I’ve been legally blind since the age of four. For 20 years I was misdiagnosed as one who suffers from silent seizures. 15 years ago an Air Force base doctor diagnosed me with Migraines. I was started on Ibuprofen which just treated the symptoms. I was then put on Depakote and suffered severe side effects so I stopped after 3 weeks. I tried Topamax and also had severe side effects including blurred vision. Recently my doctor read about Migravent and told me to give it a try. After two weeks, my headaches went down from four to five a week to one to two per week. After years of trying many medications, Migravent is the first thing to ever work. I’m sharing the good news with fellow sufferers.


A year long user

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I’ve used Migravent for over a year now and it has reduced the number and intensity of my headaches quite a bit.


Migravent helped my husband!

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Migravent is the only thing that has helped my husband . My husband often used to say: “Give me the gun. I’ll shoot myself”. He doesn’t do that any more.


Makes a difference

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Makes a measureable difference in the number of migraines affecting my wife, and provides a little bit of relief during a migraine.



5 5
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Migravent is working really.


Discouraged and hopeless before Migravent!

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I’m 55 years old and for the last 10 years I’ve been suffering from migraines…changing medications 2 to 3 times a year because I had built up an immunity to the particular medication I was on at the time…then my neurologist recommended Migravent and I’ve been taking it for about 1 year and it literally has changed my life. I was so discouraged and hopeless prior to taking Migravent. I want to encourage anyone who suffers with migraines to try Migravent.


No more lost days to migraines!

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I’m now 56 years old and each atttack is the same. I just want to die and get it over with. The pain sends me to bed, the hot sweats, the chills, the vomiting….it’s anyones worst nightmare. I finally pass out and wake up some 5 to 15 hours later and dont have enough left in me to do anything but rest for at least 24 hours. I have been taking Migravent for 8 months now . Thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts for developing this product. I always wondered why medical science never came up with it before now…just figured there weren’t enough of us out there to be bothered with. Thanks again from all of us.


A lifesaver!

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Migravent is a lifesaver! I pray it lasts!, Migravent has been my saving grace. I have been suffering from severe migraines since January of this year (they appeared out of the blue), and they have interfered with my ability to concentrate and focus in school (4-5 all day migraines per week). I took medications like medrol dose pack, triptans, and topamax, and all had severe side effects or didn’t work.
After going on this supplement, I have immediately seen a reduction in the frequency and severity of my migraines. I have ten times more energy even when sleep deprived (less of that tired-all-day migraine feeling). It hasn’t gotten rid of the my migraines completely but they’re so faint now that they don’t interfere and the associated symptoms have disappeared. Taking migravent has even made me realize that my definition of “good days” with a not-so-bad migraine were actually pretty bad. Having such a busy and stressful schedule, migravent has helped me enormously. I recommend it; hopefully it will work as well for you.


Helped a long time migraine sufferer!

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Hello – I am writing a testimonial for the first time. I have tried many products for many different reasons, but this is the first product that I feel lives up to it’s claim and that is why I am writing to you. I have suffered from debilitating migraines since my teens. As I got older, the frequency and severity increased. I reached a point a few months ago where my normal, everyday life was becoming affected by the pain and I started to not be able to function normally. I spent alot of time in bed, crying from pain and avoiding all activities, as well as calling in sick to work. I finally saw a Neurologist that gave me a prescription for Migraines and she also gave me a brochure for Migravent. The prescription migraine medicine did work, but I was taking it alot and the migraines kept coming. I finally ordered the Migravent and since the day I started it, I feel great and like my old self again! I highly recommend anyone with migraines trying this herb!


Dear Migravent

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Dear Migravent,
I just want to thank you guys for a great product. I am a licensed, practicing pharmacist who has suffered from migraine headaches since early childhood. You can imagine that I had become quite skeptical of ANY supplement , but my sister tried your product with good results. I have tried every class of prescription daily preventative. The beta-blockers, & calcium channel blockers where impossible for me to take because I already have very low blood pressure. The tricyclic antidepressants worked fairly well to prevent some headaches, but the thirst & craving sweets and weight gain were frustrating. The Topamax was totally terrible. I had to quit it before I could even work up to a therapeutic dose because of drowsiness & tingling in feet & legs. As you know, a pharmacist cannot work sedated!!! I have been taking Lexapro for the last few years, but only take 10mg due to side-effects. This was helping with the headaches, but not very much. I was coping with at least 3-4 headaches a week on most weeks. Most were treatable with Maxalt, but some were still sending me to bed! Not to mention the cost of so much Maxalt! It has taken a while, but after several months of Migravent, I feel great! This is truly miraculous for me. I plan to keep recommending it.I am a member of the National Headache Foundation. Have you been in contact with them? It would be good if you could get word of your product into their newsletter.

Thank you,


Helped me and my girlfriend!

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A while back I gave a bottle of Migravent to my girlfriend, whose teenager suffers terribly from migraines. My girlfriend and I used to run many marathons together, and we are both very strict about what we put into our bodies. She is so enthusiastic about the long term results with her daughter, with this one bottle, that she is asking where to order. I am forwarding the information. Her name is Rebecca.
I have to tell you, my friend swears your product has changed her daughter’s life. She is an accelerated student, but was missing school and unable to participate in many activities, due to debilitating migraines. Migravent has reduced the intensity and frequency over about a 4 week period. I have never solicited a review before, but I am very glad I discovered you.


30 day product user

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I have been taken this product for 30 days. In this period of time, especially in the last two weeks, the frequency, severity and intensity has subsided. A 4 month to 6 month interval would be a more reasonable timeframe to judge efficiency. Since taking the supplement, I have been diligent about tracking the the headaches for the purposes of assessing the supplement’s effects.


Migravent works!

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I have been using Migravent for over 5 years with great results. Soooooo, I got this bright idea to cut back from 3 tabs a day to 2. Wrong! Killer headache yesterday, had to use Maxalt which I had not taken in over a year. Conclusion: Migravent works!


This actually works!!!

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First of all, I want to thank You for a Product that Actually Works!!! I have suffered from Migraines since the age of 6. I have the most severe form of Migraines that there are and I have had them last as long as 9 solid months without a break. I have been treated with every Med that you can list including self-injecting Imitrex for 4 1/2 years… until it caused me to develop high blood pressure… Gee, thanks. I was given a sample bottle of Migravent on June 8, 2007 by my new Neurologist. I was reading the flyer in his waiting room and asked if he thought it might help me and he gave it to me to try. I began taking it with supper that evening and I have felt great since that day!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! We tell EVERYONE who has migraines about the great results we get!!! I have only been taking it for 3 1/2 weeks and I have already gotten 6 people to try it because of my results!!! Even the Receptionist at my Neurologist’s office started taking it after hearing back from me… How do you like that???!!! I would love to do a Commercial for your product as NOTHING EVER WORKED THIS WELL FOR ME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! Thank You



5 5
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Five Stars, Really helps me have a normal day


Best deal out there!

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This is the best deal for Migravent that I have been able to find. This product was recommended by my wife’s optic neurologist. It certainly seems to have brought her optic migrains under control. She has been using this product since Jan 2014


It works wonders....

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I would agree with the other 2 reviews, it works great. I have experienced Migraines 20 years and have tried everything! I noticed when I was pregnant my migraines would go away around the 5month and then start back up after birth. I started taking Migravent and within a month, my headaches decreased by 80% to none. I stopped taking it a couple weeks ago, to see if my headaches would come back….sure enough they are….I would recommend this product for sure!!


Long time severe migraine sufferer

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Seems to help, Long time severe migraine sufferer. Seems like this product does seem to help prevent or at least reduce the occurences.


Thank you for your product

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I have had Migraines for at least 40 years, since giving birth at age 20. They were happening more and more frequently (sometimes 2-3 a week) resulting in my taking more and more medication. I’ve tried so many things to prevent or the hope would be to even reduce the number and/or degree of severity, but nothing really ever worked to any degree. My doctors would tell me I’m giving myself a stroke by taking so much of the medication to get rid of headaches. I found out 3rd party about Migravent and am now in my 5th month. I’m almost afraid to brag but I amazing since the first week of June. In 40 years, I have not gone this long feeling good. And there are no side effects. I do have one question. In the brochure that comes with it, there is a statement that says to stop taking after 4-5 months. Why is this? I’m almost afraid to stop.
Thank you and thank you for your product.


One pill a day!

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One pill easier to remember, My neurologist recommended I take butterbur, feverfew and magnesium, so it was nice to find all three in one pill. It’s a bit longer than some pills but no larger around. I’ve taken this for three months along with some other changes and the migraine headaches do seem to be getting better.


Helps with Perimenopausal Symptoms

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Helps with Perimenopausal Symptoms, I had read about this product on-line through a great website called Woman-to-Woman. I do not have migraines now, (used to when I was younger), but can get full-blown hormonal headaches that come out of nowhere at my ripe old age of 50. Since I have been taking these, about 6 months now, I have noticed a strong decrease in headaches with no side effects. I take 2 a day, am and pm. I highly recommend.


Helped my ocular migraines!

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Everyone has a unique issue with his or her migraines. Mine are ocular, and this is the only thing which minimizes the frequency. Have taken it for two years and I pray it continues to be effective!!


Been using it for 6 months!

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I have used this product for over 6 months & my control over my migraines is considerable. It was recomended by my neurologist & it works very well!!!


Great lifestyle solution

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Part of a lifestyle solution, This was recommended by my son’s neurologist. My son has severe migraines (in June he had only 3 days where he did NOT have migraines that required him to be in bed under the covers). It contains four different supplements shown to be effective in reducing migraines (a mineral, co-enzyme, and two herbs – feverfew and butterbur) in the appropriate dosages. Since beginning this with other recommended lifestyle changes such as sleep regularity and dietary change, his headaches have reduced in frequency and intensity. Is it all migravent? I doubt it. But it is part of a way of coping with this devastating disability.


A must in travel kits!

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Ever since my daughter and I have been taking Migravent every day it is remarkable. We are now careful to take them every day and carry bottles of Migravent in all our travel kits. We’ve been handing out bottles to our friends who are migraine-sufferers.


Relief after 12 years!

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I have had daily headaches for at least 12 years (since at least middle school. and I’m now 26 years old). In January of 2013, they changed to daily migraines, and I could NOT function, I spent most of my time curled up and miserable, unable to even sleep because the pain was so bad. I finally saw a doctor, and she recommended migravent. After taking it for about 2 weeks (in addition to prescription meds), I saw a dramatic decrease in frequency and severity of migraines. It should also be noted that I’ve since discovered that I’m gluten intolerant, and that gluten is a huge factor in my migraines, so eliminating gluten decreases them as well. BUT I have tried to decrease the migravent (from 2x a day to 1x a day), and the headaches started after a few days. So I have found that gluten free diet + Migravent = the answer to my migraines. I have been taking migravent for about 2 months now.


Great product

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I started taking Migravent. I believe that Migravent is the product to take for all migraine sufferers, it really works!


Seems to work!

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Seems to work, I am always skeptical about nutraceuticals but this was recommended by my doctor. I have been in several situations where I should have gotten a migraine and I did not. I think that it may be working. In any case I have reordered and plan to continue on.


Great Product for Headaches!

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Used after a concussion, Migravent was recommended to us by a sports medicine physician who specializes in concussions. My teenage daughter was having post-concussive headaches and having difficulty focusing in school. This product is so great because it has all the recommended neurologically enhancing supplements in one capsule. After about a week, my daughter completely noticed a difference. We were not willing to try stronger traditional medicines that would only cover up symptoms, and Migravent fit the bill. My daughter’s physician has treated many post-concussive athletes (college and professional), gives lectures around the country, and after research, he recommends this product – that was good enough for me to give it a try.



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Migravent is definitely working.


Expensive, but works!

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This stuff is expensive, but it works! The headaches are much, much rarer and less severe and no side effects experienced.


Made me feel a lot better

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My Neurologist told me to take a combination of supplements to help reduce my migraine issues. Migravent supplies the appropriate combination in one easy capsule. Best of all: they actually make me feel better.


Very satisfied!

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I write on behalf of your product Migravent. My practice is focused on treating patients with pain originating from TMJ and cervical dysfunction which include headaches and facial pains. A large percent of patients have been diagnosed with migraines and have been taking many different medications with little to no relief. With the diagnosis and treatments offered at my facility, we relieve many patients of their symptoms, however, the true migraine sufferers continue to develop their headaches. Since I have been providing Migravent to select individuals, the response has been pleasantly surprising to both myself and the patient. I am very satisfied with the response in using the Migravent supplement and hope to be able to contribute to benefit many patients in the future.


Recommendation for Migraine sufferers

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I rarely formally endorse a product of any kind. However, the positive effectiveness of Migravent is so consistent that I feel compelled to comment. I have suffered migraines since childhood. Accordingly I have used various over- the-counter, prescription, herbal, homeopathic products and procedures, all to varying degrees of non-success/success. Approximately two years ago a neurologist introduced me to Migravent. Through the prescribed, consistent use of Migravent I became, and continue to be, migraine free. I thank you and that neurologist, and I recommend Migravent to all migraine sufferers.