Vitamin B2- Why Riboflavin Rules for Migraines

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According to the leading experts in natural migraine management, riboflavin, otherwise known as vitamin B2, tops the list as one of the most beneficial nutrients for chronic sufferers of migraine headaches. If you experience constant headaches, neck pain, or nausea as a result of migraine disorder, then you should add extra riboflavin to your daily vitamin regimen.

Vitamin B2- Why Riboflavin Rules for Migraines- Migravent

Please note- this does not constitute medical advice. Never start any new migraine treatment, including natural supplements, without first confiding in your doctor.

Riboflavin sustains allover health

Riboflavin, vitamin B2, is a vital nutrient for neurological health, red blood cell production, and for converting carbohydrates into energy.  Low levels of riboflavin are a possible cause of fatigue and headaches, and may worsen symptoms of migraines.

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If you’re not getting enough riboflavin in your diet, then you may experience symptoms like:

  • Itchy, burning eyes
  • Hypersensitivity to bright lights
  • Sore tongue
  • Mouth sores
  • Chapped lips
  • Skin rash

Riboflavin is endorsed by migraine doctors

Many studies on migraine prophylaxis have been conducted which confirm the beneficial properties of riboflavin supplementation for migraines.

Scientists found that migraine patients who took regimented doses of riboflavin found significant results over a 3-month period, without side effects.

It’s uncertain exactly what causes migraines, but some experts believe that riboflavin deficiency may be an underlying influence of migraine frequency.

How do I get enough riboflavin?

To manage migraines naturally, doctors recommend experimenting with 400mg of riboflavin each day. As there is no upper limit established with vitamin B2, there is no risk of accidentally overdosing.

In addition to taking vitamin B2 supplements, you can increase dietary sources of riboflavin by including plenty of B2-rich foods such as dairy products, enriched cereals, seafood, meat, and green leafy veggies.

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