Dear Migravent,
I just want to thank you guys for a great product. I am a licensed, practicing pharmacist who has suffered from migraine headaches since early childhood. You can imagine that I had become quite skeptical of ANY supplement , but my sister tried your product with good results. I have tried every class of prescription daily preventative. The beta-blockers, & calcium channel blockers where impossible for me to take because I already have very low blood pressure. The tricyclic antidepressants worked fairly well to prevent some headaches, but the thirst & craving sweets and weight gain were frustrating. The Topamax was totally terrible. I had to quit it before I could even work up to a therapeutic dose because of drowsiness & tingling in feet & legs. As you know, a pharmacist cannot work sedated!!! I have been taking Lexapro for the last few years, but only take 10mg due to side-effects. This was helping with the headaches, but not very much. I was coping with at least 3-4 headaches a week on most weeks. Most were treatable with Maxalt, but some were still sending me to bed! Not to mention the cost of so much Maxalt! It has taken a while, but after several months of Migravent, I feel great! This is truly miraculous for me. I plan to keep recommending it.I am a member of the National Headache Foundation. Have you been in contact with them? It would be good if you could get word of your product into their newsletter.
Thank you,