Category Archives: Blog

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Migraines: What are they, and what can be done for them?

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    Migraine pain affects nearly one million people in the United States every year.  Most of these people go to hospital emergency rooms seeking relief.  Despite the availability of remedies, drugs, and migraine clinics, severe migraine headaches remain an unresolved medical issue for millions of people. For most people, trial and error, by using […]

Magnesium- Still Magnificent for Migraines

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    When it comes to migraine research on natural supplements, experts still agree that magnesium yields the most promising results. Fads and “miracle cures” come and go, but certain natural migraine tactics, including magnesium, have withstood the test of time. Here is what the leading experts in migraine headache prevention have to say about […]

Migraines and Meniere’s- What’s the Correlation?

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    If you have a chronic migraine condition, then you may be more likely to also suffer from Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder that is often comorbid with migraine headaches. Meniere’s disease causes dizziness, throbbing headaches, and ear ringing, symptoms that can easily be confused with a standard migraine attack. What is Meniere’s […]

Cindy McCain Launches 36 Million Migraine Campaign

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    In describing her personal experience with migraines to the Today show, Cindy McCain compared it to having a vise or nail digging into her forehead. Her appearance on the show marks the beginning of her campaign to raise $36 million for migraine research. Commenting on the urgent need to raise more money for […]

14 Helpful Summer Air Travel Tips for Migraine Sufferers

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    If the thought of air travel gives you a headache, then you’ll be glad to know that there are many ways to avoid suffering a migraine attack while traveling in the summertime. Regardless of your destination, by following these simple air travel tips you can avoid migraine headaches from jet lag, dehydration, and […]

What are Migraine Preventative Drugs?

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    To prevent migraine attacks, it’s important to use a multi-pronged plan of attack including natural and conventional medicines. Migraine preventative drugs include a wide range of medications originally formulated to treat heart disease, depression, hypertension, or epilepsy. With your doctor’s help, you can find the right migraine prophylaxis therapy to significantly reduce the […]

14 Causes of Summer-Time Migraine Headaches

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What is it with migraines and the summer? The moment you think you can finally relax and enjoy some time off from school or work- Boom! Along comes a five-alarm migraine headache to spoil all your summer plans. By recognizing some common summertime migraine triggers, you can learn how to avoid frequent headaches, whether you’re […]

Keeping a Migraine Diary: 8 Important Clues to Jot Down

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    Tracking headache triggers in a migraine diary is one of the best things you can do for yourself in migraine prevention, but it requires dedication. Many people are hesitant to commit to a migraine journal, because they’re afraid it will be overwhelming, or not effective. Nothing could be further from the truth! Using […]

10 Topamax Side Effects that are worse than Migraines

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    Topamax (topiramate) is one of the most widely prescribed drugs for migraines, but it carries many precautions. Before considering Topamax for migraine headache prevention, learn more about the possible debilitating side effects by talking to other topiramate users and reading the manufacturer’s warnings. What is Topamax? Topamax is an anti-epileptic drug that is […]

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Take it to Heart!

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    In addition to helping with migraines, Coenzyme Q10 is also beneficial for heart health, according to a recent study focusing on heart failure in people with CoQ10 deficiency. This is good news for migraine patients, as heart attack and stroke are risk factors often associated with chronic migraines. CoQ10 boosts heart health Coenzyme […]